Sunday, September 07, 2008

Previously on 9.11

(+'.'+) ... One BEAR TRUTH can make a difference ...

The solution to 9.11 is simple:

Demand the government and mainstream media explain how the collapse of the WTC defies Sir Isaac Newton's Laws of Physics that have worked so well every day for the last 300 years - regardless of what caused the collapse!

When we have that answer, we can ask them the hundreds of other questions that demand answers!!!

(+'.'+) ... One question can make a difference ...

The WTC buildings managed a 'pancake' collapse at free-fall speed because:

A). Al Qaeda has the power to suspend the laws of physics, or

B). Sir Isaac Newton and the laws of physics have been wrong for 300 years, or

C). The government and mainstream media are a bunch of lying fucks!!!

(+'.'+) ... One question can make a difference ...

The Secret Service left the Commander-in-Chief in a classroom when the country was under attack because:

A). Al Qaeda have the power to order a stand down, and then ridicule Charlie Sheen just for pointing it out, or

B). The President really needed to find out what happened to the 'Pet Goat', or

C). The government and mainstream media are a bunch of lying fucks!!!

(+'.'+) ... One question can make a difference ...

NORAD failed to intercept any of the aircraft:

A). Al Qaeda have the power to run war-games and add false aircraft data to the their Systems, or

B). Their jets aren't fast enough, so they need more money for faster jets, or

C). The government and mainstream media are a bunch of lying fucks!!!

(+'.'+) ... One question can make a difference ...

The BBC and CNN reported the collapse of WTC7 more than 20 minutes before the actual event because:

A). Al Qaeda have the power to distort the time-space continuum, or

B). The reporters for the BBC and CNN are psychic, or

C). The government and mainstream media are a bunch of lying fucks!!!

(+'.'+) ... One question can make a difference ...

The dust from the WTC buildings contained a high level of radioactive material because:

A). Al Qaeda has the power to plant mini-nukes in the basement, or

B). The WTC was actually made from Depleted Uranium, not Steel and Aluminium, or

C). The government and mainstream media are a bunch of lying fucks!!!

(+'.'+) ... One question can make a difference ...

The blueprint for 9.11, 'Operation Northwoods' was written in 1963 because:

A). Al Qaeda have the power to travel through time, or

B). The Cubans were about to invade (more than just Miami), or

C). The government and mainstream media are a bunch of lying fucks!!!

(+'.'+) ... One question can make a difference ...

Donald Rumsfeld announced the Pentagon had lost $2,300,000,000,000 on 9.10 because :

A). Al Qaeda have the power to make these things go away, or

B). Well... er... There's only A). really!

C). All the government's other lies are classified!

"The World is a dangerous place.
Not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-- Albert Einstein

'Previously on 9.11'

This film is FACTION - a blend of FACT and FICTION...

A technique used all the time by the government and mainstream media to influence public opinion.

So turn off the fucking lying mainstream media and
do something about your fucking lying government.

a film by Ne!l Kerslake.

Images and Video by The Minority of The Many.

Original Music witten and performed by Ingmar Schrey.

There's NO (c)opyright on The Truth.

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