Monday, September 08, 2008

MSNBC Security Assaults Alex Jones & Equipment with Deadly Weapon

A careful video analysis of the Alex Jones & 9/11 Truth takeover of MSNBC in Denver during the DNC shows that members of MSNBC's crew assaulted Jones' and his equipment-- including severing the cord to his bullhorn with a knife / wirecutter tool.

Others in the MSNBC crew smudged lenses and shoved Jones' crew members-- angry that free speech could challenged the tightly controlled MSM broadcast. Members of the primarily pro-Obama crowd also attacked 9/11 truthers...

But they could not stop free speech. Alex came back moments later to join Luke Rudkowski and several members of We Are Change Colorado-- along with two more bullhorns and many more messages of truth were broadcast over the air.

Only when Keith Olbermann had his producers ask the 9/11 truthers to allow his broadcast to go on interrupted did the crew decided to leave-- because Olbermann was the only MSM newscaster to cover reports of Cheney's planned false-flag attack on U.S. Navy Seals.

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